Our dedicated, professional team at Global Manufacturing Group have experience in all facets of Metal Fabrication and Surface Coatings with specialties in the machining and fabrication of Austenitic Stainless Steel Materials.
This sector of skill being vital across many industry uses (Medical, Automotive, Aerospace, Chemical and Industrial Applications). Usually where high strength is required to withstand extreme pressures as well as the capability to resist extremely low and high temperatures. This aptitude being of special significance now and into the future;
As there is growing recognition that pure hydrogen is the ultimate clean fuel (Because when burnt it reacts with oxygen in the air to produce only energy and water,) Austenitic Stainless Steel Grades are ideally suited to meet the challenges faced regarding the Production, Processing, Storing and Usage of Hydrogen or any Hydrocarbon Material.
Here at GMG, we offer complete assistance with developing client’s initial choices, assessing their contract requirements and providing real time and eternal traceability over all aspects of the manufacturing operation. So, If you’re developing or working through your next FEED project, be sure to get in touch with your Local, Reliable Metal Manufacturer, Global Manufacturing Group.